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Cheryl Cole releases Call My Name, the first single from her third album A Million Lights.
On The Wall Tour 2012, Roger Waters plays at The KFC Yum! Center, Louisville, Kentucky, USA.
Lady Gaga is concussed when one of her dancers accidentally hits her on the head with a pole during the song Judas on her Born This Way Ball Tour in Vector Arena, Auckland, New Zealand, Oceania.
Erin K And Tash play at The Old Queen's Head, London, England, UK, Europe.
On their first tour together in over twenty years, the surviving members of The Beach Boys play at The Bonnaroo Music and Arts Festival, Manchester, Tennessee, USA.
Crosby, Stills And Nash play at Jacobs Pavilion at Nautica, Cleveland, Ohio, USA.
Guns N'Roses play at The Halle Tony Garnier, Lyon, France, Europe.
Wynonna Judd, barefooted, marries Highway 101 drummer Cactus Moser at her home in Leiper's Fork, Tennessee, USA.
On their Up All Night Tour, One Direction play at The Comerica Theatre, Phoenix, Arizona, USA.