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Ola Ray, the actress who co-starred with Michael Jackson in his Thriller video, sues him for non-payment of royalties. "I got the fame from Thriller, but I didn't get the fortune," she states.
Leonard Cohen plays at The Chicago Theatre, Chicago, Illinois, USA.
Fleet Foxes release a new single, Mykonos, on Sub Pop Records in the USA.
Jazz piano star Jamie Cullum performs live on tv series Dancing With The Stars in the USA.
Bruce Springsteen And The E Street Band play at John Paul Jones Arena, Charlottesville, Virginia, USA.
Bob Dylan plays the first of two nights at The O2, Dublin, Eire, Europe.
Tom Petty And The Heartbreakers record First Flash Of Freedom at The Clubhouse, Los Angeles, California, USA, for their twelfth album, Mojo.
The Smithereens release a new album, The Smithereens Play Tommy, a tribute to The Who's famed rock opera.
Yusuf Islam, formerly known as Cat Stevens, is reported to be considering suing Coldplay. Stevens/Islam believes Coldplay's 2008 hit Viva La Vida borrows significantly from his 1973 song Foreigner Suite. Viva La Vida has also attracted claims of plagiarism from guitarist Joe Satriani and indie band Creaky Boards.
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On the second leg of their Unleashed tour, Fleetwood Mac play at the Scottrade Center, St Louis, Missouri.
On her I Am tour, Beyonce plays at the Palais Omnisports de Paris-Bercy, Paris, France.
Jason Derulo releases his debut single, Whatcha Say, by digital download in the USA where it will reach No1 in the Billboard US Top 40 Singles Chart.
Jason Aldean and Bryan Adams record an edition of tv show CMT Crossroads at The Factory, Franklin, Tennessee, USA, during which they perform songs including Johnny Cash, Amarillo Sky, Summer Of '69 and Cuts Like A Knife.