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The musical Milk And Honey, with music and lyrics by Jerry Herman, is playing at The Martin Beck Theater on Broadway, New York City, USA, during a run of 543 performances.
The stage musical How To Succeed In Business Without Really Trying, starring Rudy Vallee, is playing at the 46th Street Theater on Broadway, New York City, USA, during a run of 1,417 performances.
Fabian plays at The City Auditorium, Clearwater, Florida, USA.
Lester Noel, vocalist with Beats International, is born in Paddington, London, UK. Noel will also sing with the largely forgotten but wonderfully-named Grab Grab The Haddock.
Twist sensation Chubby Checker begins a UK tour at Colston Hall, Bristol. Supporting acts include The Brook Brothers and The Kestrels.
Neil Sedaka plays the first night of a week at The Steel Pier, Atlantic City, New Jersey, USA.
Neil Sedaka plays the first night of a week at The Steel Pier, Atlantic City, New Jersey, USA.
Gary 'US' Bonds, The Contours, The Impressions and Barbara Lynn play the last of seven nights at The Apollo Theater, Harlem, New York City, USA.
Della Reese, Adam Wade and Billy Stewart play at The Tivoli Theater, Chicago, Illinois, USA.
Silver Threads And Golden Needles by The Springfields reaches No1 in the Australian pop singles chart.
Gary 'US' Bonds, The Contours, The Impressions and Barbara Lynn play the last of seven nights at The Apollo Theater, Harlem, New York City, USA.
Sherry by The Four Seasons reaches No1 in the Canadian pop singles chart.
Folk star Carolyn Hester appears at the Edinburgh Festival, Scotland, in a late-night folk and jazz package.
Brook Benton and The Flamingos play at the The Howard Theater, Washington, DC, USA.
Lester Noel, vocalist with Beats International, is born in Paddington, London, UK. Noel will also sing with the largely forgotten but wonderfully-named Grab Grab The Haddock.
Twist sensation Chubby Checker begins a UK tour at Colston Hall, Bristol. Supporting acts include The Brook Brothers and The Kestrels.
Fabian plays at The City Auditorium, Clearwater, Florida, USA.
The Beatles play at Queen's Hall, Widnes, UK, supported by Rory Storm And The Hurricanes plus Billy J. Kramer.
Sherry by The Four Seasons reaches No1 in the Canadian pop singles chart.
Folk star Carolyn Hester appears at The Edinburgh Festival, Edinburgh, Scotland, in a late-night folk and jazz package.
Cozy Cole plays at The Living Room Lounge, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA.
The Beatles play at Queen's Hall, Widnes, UK, supported by Rory Storm And The Hurricanes plus Billy J. Kramer.
Silver Threads And Golden Needles by The Springfields [including Dusty Springfield] reaches No1 in the Australian pop singles chart.