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When Kiss headline at The Cynthia Woods Mitchell Pavilion, Houston, Texas, USA, their opening act Ted Nugent verbally attacks Latin-American immigrants, yelling, "If you’re not gonna speak English, get the fuck out of America." Understandably, he gets himself banned from the venue.
Calne-based rock star Julian Cope (formerly of The Teardrop Explodes) presides over the first day of the Cornucopea Festival at Queen Elizabeth Hall on the South Bank, London. The two-day event features performances by Cope, Krautrock legends Ash Ra Tempel, electronic extremists Coil and blues rock veterans The Groundhogs.
Julian Cope [formerly of The Teardrop Explodes] presides over the first day of the Cornucopea Festival at Queen Elizabeth Hall on the South Bank, London, UK. The two-day event features performances by Cope, Krautrock legends Ash Ra Tempel, electronic extremists Coil and blues rock veterans The Groundhogs.
Terris play at Esquires, Bedford, England, UK, Europe, supported by Coldplay.