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The rock musical Hair (which includes a scene with a fully nude cast) is presented during a run of 1,997 performances at the Shaftesbury Theatre, London, England, UK, Europe. The cast includes Marsha Hunt, Paul Nicholas, Sonja Kristina and Jimmy Winston.
Jazz-rock fusion pioneers The Mahavishnu Orchestra play in Denver, Colorado, USA.
British music industry body the BPI (British Phonographic Industry) launches its new award certification system for gold, silver and platinum-selling recordings. The first album to be certified is Red Rose Speedway by Paul McCartney which earns a Silver Award.
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Little Feat play at Paul's Mall, Boston, Massachusetts, USA.
Steve Goodman plays at the Earl Of Old Town, Chicago, Illinois, USA.
On their Get Me A Ladder Tour, Emerson, Lake And Palmer play at The Forest National, Brussels, Belgium, Europe.
John Lennon and Yoko Ono hold a press conference in New York City, USA, at which they announce the creation of Nutopia, a 'conceptual' country governed by 'cosmic' laws and whose national anthem is three seconds of silence.
The Bee Gees come to the end of a month-long North American tour.
Paul McCartney comes to the end of recording the tv special James Paul McCartney at ATV Television Studios, Elstree, Studio D, Eldon Avenue, Borehamwood, UK. This is the first time a major pop or rock 'n' roll star has starred in a prime-time television show aimed at both UK and USA TV audiences.
The Faces, with Rod Stewart on vocals, record a live session for BBC radio show In Concert at The Paris Theatre, London, UK.
Led Zeppelin play at the Palais des Sports, Paris, France.
Neil Young plays at the Memorial Auditorium, Sacramento, California, USA.
John Martyn releases a new album, Solid Air, in the UK on Island Records.
Tim Buckley plays the last of six nights at Oliver's, Boston, Massachusetts, USA.
Phil Ochs plays at The Lion's Share, San Anselmo, California, USA.
Roxy Music play the second of two nights at The Rainbow, Finsbury Park, London, UK.