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The musical comedy A Runaway Girl opens at Daly's Theatre, Broadway, New York City, where it will run for 40 performances.
The term 'hillbilly' appears in print for the first time in The New York Journal, and is defined thus - 'A Hill-Billie is a free and untrammeled white citizen of Alabama, who lives in the hills, has no means to speak of, dresses as he can, talks as he pleases, drinks whiskey when he gets it, and fires off his revolver as the fancy takes him.' In due course, the term will also used as a generic descriptor for the country music played by such people.
Musical comedy The Casino Girl is playing at The Casino Theatre, Broadway, New York City, USA, during a run of 105 performances.
The term 'hillbilly' appears in print for the first time in The NY Journal, and is defined thus - "A Hill-Billie is a free and untrammeled white citizen of Alabama, who lives in the hills, has no means to speak of, dresses as he can, talks as he pleases, drinks whiskey when he gets it, and fires of his revolver as the fancy takes him." In due course, the term will also used as a generic descriptor for the country music played by such people.