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Responding to the British Government's recent policy statement on plans for the UK's future immigration, Geoff Taylor, Chief Executive BPI and BRIT Awards, states, "We understand Government's desire to bring in new immigration rules that treat visitors from third countries equally and that control migration levels. However, we are confident Government also wishes to ensure that UK creative companies can work with the best talent, and that UK artists should not face unreasonable bureaucracy in touring or promoting their music in the EU. We will continue to engage with Government to try to ensure that formalities for short term touring or promotion are kept to a minimum."
Bram De Looze releases a new LP, Colour Talk, on Sdban Ultra.
Dustbowl Revival play at Sisters High School, Sisters, Oregon, USA.
It is reported that The Pixies have cancelled their upcoming tour of Japan, because of concerns over the spread of coronavirus.
Electric Hot Tuna play at The Fillmore, San Francisco, California, USA, with The David Bromberg Quintet.
On their Dominion tour, Hammerfall play at Orpheum, Graz, Austria, Europe, with Battle Beast and Serious Black.