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Shortly after drummer Rick Allen is seriously injured in an accident, the rest of Def Leppard fly to Holland, Europe, to continue recording their next album. On the same day, Paul McCartney turns down a $1m offer to appear as a wealthy British landowner on eight episodes of tv soap Dallas in the USA.
Following a horrific accident to drummer Rick Allen, the rest of Def Leppard fly to Holland, Europe, to continue recording their next album.
Fairport Convention play the first of two nights at The Half Moon, Putney, London, England, UK, Europe.
Jazz saxophonist and composer Marius Neset is born in Norway, Europe.
The second West End Revival of Godspell is playing at The Fortune Theatre, London, England, UK, Europe. This revival stars Davy Jones, formerly of The Monkees, as Jesus.
Jake Thakray is playing during six nights at the King's Head Theatre Club, Islington, London, England, UK, Europe.