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The musical comedy Wonderful Town, starring Rosalind Russell, is playing at The Winter Garden Theatre, Broadway, New York City, USA, during a run of 559 performances.
B.B. King plays at Meadow Acres Ballroom, Topeka , Kansas, USA.
LaVern Baker records the hit single Tweedlee Dee for Atlantic Records in the USA.
Earth Angel, formerly a B-side by doo-wop group The Penguins, begins being re-promoted as an A-side, in the USA on DooTone Records.
Earth Angel, formerly a B-side by doo-wop group The Penguins, begins being re-promoted as an A-side, in the USA on DooTone Records.
Lavern Baker records the hit single Tweedlee Dee for Atlantic Records.
UK music weekly the NME (New Musical Express) reports that jazz vocalist and bandleader Ray Ellington has won £75,000 on the football pools and has invested the money in a block of flats in London.