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Fact #79043


Short story:

Ed Sanders of anarchic rock band The Fugs attends a meeting at the home of Yippie leader Jerry Rubin in New York City, USA, to discuss plans to stage a free rock festival in Chicago, Illinois, USA, at the same time as the upcoming Democratic National Convention. Sanders agrees to begin contacting rock bands who might be willing to play.

Full article:

Ed Sanders (The Fugs) : We practiced for about a half hour toughening up our feet walking around in Baggies full of ice, and then Jerry informed me about the circumstances of the meeting that had taken place, forming the Youth International Party, and that it was decided to hold a free rock festival in Chicago during the time of the Democratic National Convention, and that the convening would be a convening of all people interested in the new politics, guerilla theater, rock and roll, the convening of the hemp horde from all over the various tribes in the United States.  I was asked by Jerry if I would help coordinate, since I knew the major rock groups in the United States, if I would contact them and ask them if they would play.

I said I would be happy to and that I would proceed forthwith in contacting these major rock groups, and that I did.
(Source : not known)