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Fact #64160


Short story:

The band Red Hot And Blue, appearing tonight at Bogart's, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA, is actually Prince and the Revolution playing an unannounced 'secret' concert, as a warm-up for the Purple Rain tour.

Full article:

Alan Pokolab (founder, Bogart's) : Prince had been to Bogart’s to see James Brown (in 1982), and obviously he patterned some of his dance routines after James. When he did his dress rehearsal date for the Purple Rain tour, which was in all the major venues, he did it at Bogart’s. They came in as the Red White and Blue Band. It was 5 bucks, and I guess the word got out that it was going to be Prince, because this thing was sold out in advance. I’ll never forget standing there next to these two young women. People just started cheering and it was a crescendo that kept building. There was a performer who was on stage, backlit, and one girl looks to the other girl and says, ‘Look at that guy, trying to be Prince.’ And the other girl looks at her and says, ‘That is Prince!’
(Source : http://prince.org/msg/7/399791)