Fact #194777
Short story:
Jon Mark records Blues For Hobbits, Sally Free And Easy, Portland Town, Vulture and other tracks for Decca Records in London, England, UK, Europe, with producer Shel Talmy.
Full article:
Shel Talmy : I did try early on [to record acoustic music], with a duo called Jon and Alan, and Jon became Jon Mark of the Mark-Almond Band. [Jon] was a great innovator. He's the first person, come to think of it, who ever told me about Bob Dylan. He said, "Watch - this guy's going to be sensational." Jon was the first guy that ever brought Indian music to my attention, and in fact wrote a song that was sort of based on a drone, a folkish type song, that I recorded with him. I played that to Ray Davies, who was so enamored with it that he went out and wrote See My Friends [one of the first Indian-influenced rock songs].
(Source : interview by Ritchie Unterberger)
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(Source : interview by Ritchie Unterberger)