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Fact #179551


Short story:

Eurythmics enter the UK singles chart with There Must Be An Angel. Prominently featuring a harmonica solo by Stevie Wonder, it will peak at No1.

Full article:

Annie Lennox : It was getting very late and we were getting pessimistic whether he'd (Stevie Wonder) even turn up at all. Finally he showed up, and he was really an adorable person. He had these braids on his hair with beautiful gold beads, and when he plays he shakes his head so the beads make a loud noise. But his assistant, who takes care of him, took out this beanbag thing and gently tied Stevie's hair into it so it didn't make a sound down the mikes. The man is a supreme musician, worth waiting for.
(Source : interview in Q magazine)

Dave Stewart : Stevie had done the take, the one you hear on the record. It was incredible – Annie and I were in shock. I was so freaked out that there might be a blip on it that I pushed the talkback button and said, 'That’s great, do you want to do another one for luck? Play anything you want, just like last time'. So we rewind the tape, then hit record. And Stevie plays a sea shanty! It was like, genius doesn’t need a second shot.
(Source : interview in Daily Mail, April 2016)