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Fact #176547


Short story:

The Cure, Jimmy Page And Robert Plant, Terence Trent D'Arby, Sheryl Crow, C.S.I., Cranes and Pete Droge play on the second day of the Sonoria Festival at Arena Spettacoli Parco Aquatica, Milan, Italy, Europe.

Full article:

Claudio Trotta (promoter) : My first Sonoria Festival had been a flop, but this one worked better. I made this one two days instead of three, and two stages. I increased the number of acts playing, and I made it more coherent musically. The headliners were The Cure and Robert Plant and Jimmy Page, and it drew 25,000 people. But it was nearly a disaster again, because on the day of the second day we had ten hours non-stop of heavy rain. Everything was muddy, the stage was flooded, and I was looking round for a tree where I could hang myself.
(Source : interview with Johnny Black, Audience magazine, February 2019)