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Fact #169208


Short story:

Kate Bush visits EMI's Abbey Road studios in London, England, UK, Europe, where her next single is being cut.

Full article:

Kate Bush (diary entry for Flexipop magazine) : I have to get up early because the single is being cut. I have to be at Abbey Road at two o'clock, and while I do the cut, the band go off to get their army gear for Army Dreamers.

Then we all go over to my parents' to rehearse - there's no room for full-scale rehearsal in my flat. We do it in the garden. That song is pretty well tied up by the evening, so I go home. I generally get stuff ready for the trip (to Germany the next day). I don't take huge amounts of stuff with me, just hand luggage. Waiting for luggage at the terminal roundabouts is such a drag. Again, I get to bed around four a.m.