Fact #163356
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Chas De Whalley (AAndR man, CBS) : I’d tried very hard to get U2 signed to CBS in the UK before Island got hold of them, and I remained in touch with them, so I went along to the Half Moon, which seemed to be full of journalists who’d been at the Crystal Palace Garden Party the previous day to see Bob Marley who was, of course, an Island act. I remember having a conversation there with Neil Spencer of the NME, telling him that this band was going to be huge.
Neil Storey (publicist, Island Records): Rob and I went straight from the Bob Marley gig at Crystal Palace to the Half Moon, and that was the first gig where Chris Blackwell, the owner of Island Records, actually saw U2 playing live.
Rob Partridge (Head of Press, Island Records) : The band had been signed to the label for months, and they still hadn’t met Blackwell. I remember sitting in the upstairs room at the Half Moon with them, waiting to meet Blackwell, and they were very nervous indeed at the prospect of meeting the great man. In the event, of course, they charmed him splendidly.
(Source : not known)
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Neil Storey (publicist, Island Records): Rob and I went straight from the Bob Marley gig at Crystal Palace to the Half Moon, and that was the first gig where Chris Blackwell, the owner of Island Records, actually saw U2 playing live.
Rob Partridge (Head of Press, Island Records) : The band had been signed to the label for months, and they still hadn’t met Blackwell. I remember sitting in the upstairs room at the Half Moon with them, waiting to meet Blackwell, and they were very nervous indeed at the prospect of meeting the great man. In the event, of course, they charmed him splendidly.
(Source : not known)