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Fact #154439


Short story:

Ian 'Mac' McLagan of The Small Faces marries former Ready, Steady, Go! dancer Sandy Sarjeant at Marylebone Registry Office, London, England, UK, Europe. Later in the day, The Small Faces record an appearance on UK tv show Top Of The Pops.

Full article:

Ian MacLagan : We were married at Marylebone Registry Office on the morning of January 4th, 1968, with mum and dad, Sandy's mum and her three sisters to cheer us
on. It was such an impulsive move that I never even mentioned it to the guys in the band, and if I remember correctly, Dad must've been my best man because there was no one else there.

After the short civil ceremony I only had time for a quick kiss before I was off to the BBC in a cab for a Top Of The Pops recording, where I let Steve, Ronnie and Kenney in on my good news. They were surprised but seemed pleased enough for us, but the producer of the show, Johnny Stewart, was very irate.

He came storming into the dressing room, demanding to know who I thought I was keeping the entire show waiting. At any other time I would have apologised, but that morning I
couldn't have cared less I would've been just as happy to walk out and go home.

"Fuck off Johnny, aren't you going to congratulate me? I just got married," and I smiled. What could he say?

He broke into a grin, shook my hand and wished us well, and then we got on with the television show, swigging champagne in the dressing room between rehearsals. It wasn't much of a wedding day and Sandy wasn't even having as much fun as we were. She couldn't find her keys and couldn't get into the flat after the wedding. As there was no way to get in touch with me at the BBC she had to get a cab to her mum's place, all dressed up and nowhere to go.
(Source : not known)