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Fact #142439


Short story:

Los Angeles Superior Court reveals that Limp Bizkit frontman Fred Durst has settled (six weeks earlier) a $5m battery lawsuit filed by lighting technician Connie Paulson who had her nose broken by Durst during the group's Anger Management Tour in December 2000.

Full article:

Ed McPherson (attorney for Fred Durst) : It was an unfortunate accident, and it’s been settled in the normal course of things as most cases are. I don’t think she ever thought he knew she was there, but unfortunately, she was. Fred came to the plate right from the beginning. He visited her in the hospital, he paid her medical bills, and he kept her on salary. They’re getting on with their lives. Hopefully nothing like this will ever happen again, to anyone.
(Source : http://www.mtv.com/news/1458909/fred-durst-settles-5-million-anger-management-battery-lawsuit/)