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The stage musical Man Of La Mancha is playing at the ANTA Washington Square Theatre, New York City, USA, during a run of almost two and a half years.
The Blues Project play at The Café Au Go Go, Greenwich Village, New York City, USA.
Howlin' Wolf and Big Brother And The Holding Company play the first of two nights in The Avalon Ballroom, San Francisco, California, USA.
The Chambers Brothers and The Hard Times play the tenth of eleven nights at The Whisky A-Go-Go, West Hollywood, Los Angeles, California, USA.
Jimmy Hendrix [Jimi Hendrix] is issued with an American passport, No. G 1044108, enabling him to travel to the UK with his new manager, Chas Chandler of ANIM Management.
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Cream play at The Ricky Tick, in The Corn Exchange, Newbury, Berkshire.
The Rolling Stones start a short UK tour with a date at The Royal Albert Hall, London, supported by Ike And Tina Turner and The Yardbirds. John Entwistle and Keith Moon of The Who are in the audience.
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Lightnin' Hopkins, The Jim Kweskin Jug Band and Memphis Slim play the first of ten nights at The Ash Grove, Los Angeles, California, USA.
Jefferson Airplane open at Winterland, San Francisco, California, USA, supported by The Paul Butterfield Blues Band and Muddy Waters.