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The Noel Coward-composed musical Sail Away is presented at The Broadhurst Theatre, Broadway, New York City, USA, during a run of 167 performances.
The musical Milk And Honey, with music and lyrics by Jerry Herman, is playing at The Martin Beck Theater on Broadway, New York City, USA, during a run of 543 performances.
The stage musical How To Succeed In Business Without Really Trying, starring Rudy Vallee, is playing at the 46th Street Theater on Broadway, New York City, USA, during a run of 1,417 performances.
Musical comedy The Gay Life is presented at The Shubert Theater, Broadway, New York City, USA, during a run of 113 performances.
Bob Dylan visits his friend Izzy Young in New York City and sings him the song Let Me Die In My Footsteps.
The Duke Jordan Quintet records Dexterity, Tall Grass and other tracks for Charlie Parker Records in New York City, USA.
Famed Trinidadian calypso singer Attila The Hun dies.
Red Foley records Polka On A Banjo, Coal Oil Johnny and That Lucky Old Sun, at Bradley Film And Recording Studios, 804 16th Avenue South, Nashville, Tennessee, USA, with producer Owen Bradley.
Patsy Cline appears on tv show American Bandstand in the USA performing She's Got You.
The Van Halen family leave Holland, Europe, to begin a new life in America. Their son Eddie will do rather well for himself as guitarist and leader of Van Halen.
The van Halen family leave Nijmegen, Holland, Europe, with several suitcases, 75 guilders and a piano. They are headed for California, USA, with their sons Eddie van Halen and Alex van Halen. Some time after their arrival in the United States, they will change the family name from van Halen, to Van Halen.
Bob Dylan visits his friend Izzy Young in Greenwich Village, New York City and sings him a recently composed song, Let Me Die In My Footsteps.
During his military training, US Army Private James Marshal Hendrix [Jimi Hendrix] photographs another soldier landing in snow.
Doris Day and Andre Previn release the jazz-oriented album Duet on Columbia Records in the USA.
Thomas McDonnell Sebastian Tree Murray is born in Denver, Colorado, USA. He will find success as Thomas Tree, a founding member of the alternative rock band Christy McCool and co-founder of the production and sound-design team, Enlighten Records.
Adam Faith, The John Barry Seven, Desmond Lane, Brad Newman and Johnny Le Roy play at the Gaumont, Bradford, UK.
Bob Dylan visits his friend Izzy Young in Greenwich Village, New York City, USA, and sings him a recently composed song, Let Me Die In My Footsteps.
Bob Dylan visits his friend Izzy Young of The Folklore Center in New York City, USA, and sings him a recently composed song, Let Me Die In My Footsteps.
The Van Halen family leave Holland, Europe, to begin a new life in America. Their son Eddie Van Halen will do rather well for himself.
Joey Dee And The Starliters play in Kingston, Ontario, Canada.