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Kate Bush releases a new album, 50 Words For Snow, in the UK.
Musical comedy artist Jesse Goldberg uploads to YouTube his recently-composed humourous song Mount Rushmore Rocks - complete with an animated video in which the stone heads sing the song.
The Red Hot Chili Peppers play at the Hoping Variety Show Benefit in the Cafe de Paris, London, UK. The benefit is in support of Palestinian refugee children. On the same day the band announces that they will shortly start releasing professionally recorded live downloads of full concerts from their current tour.
Kris Kristofferson, Darius Rucker and Lyle Lovett take part in the event The History of Country Music : From Barn Dances to Pop Charts, at the White House, Washington, DC, USA, in the presence of First Lady Michelle Obama.
The Cure play the first of three nights at The Pantages Theatre, Hollywood, Los Angeles, California, USA.
On their Mylo Xyloto tour, Coldplay play at Cinecitta, Rome, Italy, Europe.
Architecture In Helsinki play at Metro, Chicago, Illinois, USA.
Two hours before he is due onstage at the Stadthalle, Vienna, Austria, on the European leg of his Symphonica - The Orchestral Tour, George Michael cancels the show and is hospitalised in Vienna's AKH Hospital with pneumonia. He also cancels upsoming shows in France and Wales.
On their Made In Germany tour, Rammstein play at The Olympiahalle, Munich, Germany, Europe.
On her California Dreams tour Katy Perry plays at The Oracle Arena, Oakland, California, USA.
Rihanna releases her sixth album, Talk That Talk in The USA, Canada, United Kingdom, France and Italy.
The Recording Academy in the USA announces that Doris Day's 1956 hit, Que Sera [What Ever Will Be Will Be] is to be added to its GRAMMY Hall Of Fame.