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Former Grateful Dead keyboardist Tom Constanten plays at The Julia Morgan Theater, Berkeley, California, USA, with The Electric Guitar Quartet.
Xmal Deutschland play at Danceteria, New York City, USA.
Bobby Womack plays at The Apollo, Oxford, England, UK, Europe.
Keith Richards of The Rolling Stones returns to New York City, USA, after two weeks in Jamaica, Caribbean. On the same day, Mick Jagger attends a party in New York City for Nile Rodgers.
Red Rider release a new single, Breaking Curfew, on Capitol Records.
On their Condition Critical tour, Quiet Riot play at ASISU MiniDome, Pocatello, Idaho, USA.
R.E.M. play at Numbers, Houston, Texas, USA, supported by The dBs.
On their Prime Time tour, The Go-Go's play at The Centrum, Worcester, Massachusetts, USA, supported by Red Rockers.
Diana Ross plays at Radio City Music Hall, New York City, USA.
During a re-election campaign speech in Hammonton, New Jersey, USA, President Ronald Reagan praises Bruce Springsteen, stating, "America's future rests in a thousand dreams inside your hearts. It rests in the message of hope in songs so many young Americans admire: New Jersey's own Bruce Springsteen. And helping you make those dreams come true is what this job of mine is all about." Reagan has obiously failed to understand that Springsteen's song Born In The USA is heavily ironic. Springsteen makes it clear soon after that he does not endorse Reagan.
Dio play the second of two nights at The Odeon, Birmingham, England, UK, Europe, supported by Queensyrche.
Sonia Kreitzer is born in Syracuse, New York State, USA. She will find success as indie pop singer-songwriter Doe Paoro, after basing herself in Los Angeles, California, USA.
Frank Zappa plays at Palau dels Esports, Barcelona, Spain, Europe.