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Musical comedy The Toreador is presented at The Gaiety Theatre, London, England, UK, Europe, during a run of 675 performances.
The musical play A Country Girl, or Town and Country, with music by Lionel Monckton and additional songs by Paul Rubens, is performed at Daly's Theatre, London, England, UK, Europe, during a run of 729 performances.
The musical comedy The Wild Rose is presented at The Knickerbocker Theatre, Broadway, New York City, USA, during a run of 136 performances.
A Chinese Honeymoon, billed as 'The English Musical Sensation' is playing at The Casino Theatre, Broadway, New York City, USA, during a run of 364 performances.
Musical extravaganza, The Defender, is playing at The Herald Square Theatre on Broadway, New York City, USA, during a run of sixty performances. The show is best remembered for introducing the song In The Good Old Summer Time, which will become a popular standard.
Musical fantasy The Storks is playing at The Dearborn Theatre, Chicago, Illinois, USA.
Hughey Emmett, Leonard And Leonard, Howard Chambers, The Rosseaus, Olivio and Avery And Hart are providing the entertainment every afternoon and evening at The Chutes, Fulton Street And Tenth Avenue, San Francisco, California, USA.
Comic opera King Dodo is presented at The Studebaker Theater, Chicago, Illinois, USA. The show is billed as featuring "100 superior singers".
Fantasy musical The Wizard Of Oz is being presented at The Grand Opera House, Chicago, Illinois, USA.
A "High Class Vaudeville" show is being presented at The Empire Theatre, St. Paul, Minnesota, USA.
Smith And Fuller, Carroll Johnson, Fisher And Clark, Harry Thomson, Barry And Halvers and others are performing at The Orpheum, San Francisco, California, USA.
Thirty-five members of Theodore Thomas' Orchestra under the leadership of Albert Ulrich are performing at Edelweiss Garden, Chicago, Illinois, USA.
The Trocadero Burlesquers "and plenty of fascinating girls" are appearing at The Hopkins Theatre, Chicago, Illinois, USA.
The "continuous Vaudeville show" at The Opera House, Chicago, Illinois, USA, is currently featuring The Madcaps 4, Ed Latell, Irving Jones, Alburtus And Miller, Fogarty And Brown, Pattie French, Shore Acres And Arlie St. Clair, James J. Thornton, Hill And Silvany, The Lowe-Hughes Trio, Ola Hayden, The Shaws, Rosa Lee Tyler and Chas. Gloss And Son.
Frank Gardiner and Lottie Vincent, Arthur Borani, Lola Bigger And Minnie Dreher and The York-Herbert Trio are playing at The Casino, Richmond, Virginia, USA.
Al Shean and Chas. Warren, Lewis And Ryan, The Nichols Sisters, Tom Brown, Mazuz And Mazette, Kittie Mitchell, Monroe And Sinclair and The Sandor Trio are among the thirty acts appearing all this week at Keith's Theatre, Broadway, New York City, USA.
Novelty singing and dancing quartet The McCann Family, Fred Warren And Al Blanchard, and soprano Miss Ida Bell Farnum are appearing at Lakeside Park Casino, Akron, Ohio, USA.
The Minnesota State Band plays a concert at The Lakeside Pavilion, Como Park, St. Paul, Minnesota, USA.
Trombone soloist Arthur Pryor records Stars Of A Summer Night, for Victor Records in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA.
Cornet soloist Walter B. Rogers records Old Black Joe (written by Stephen Foster) and Bonnie Sweet Bessie for Victor Records in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA.
The foreword to the newly-published edition of Songs Of Hawaii, by arranger A.R. Cunha, declares, "The instruments of the old Hawaiians have succumbed to the onward march of civilization, and today they are very little used in the cities, although in country districts one may often hear their weird sounds. The guitar, the banjo, the mandolin, the ukulele (modification of a Portuguese fiddle), and the flute, have all taken their place and have come to stay."
Musical comedy The Girl From Kay's is playing at The Apollo Theatre, London, England, UK, Europe, during a lengthy run.