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Kiss release their 11th album, Lick It Up, and appear, for the first time ever, without their trademark make-up, on MTV in the USA.
Badfinger play at The Chance, Poughkeepsie, New York State, USA.
The Police play at Boellenfaltor Stadium, Darmstadt, Germany, Europe.
Elvis Costello And The Attractions play at Universal Amphitheatre, Universal City, Los Angeles, California, USA, supported by Aztec Camera.
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The two-day long Futurama Festival comes to an end at Queen's Hall, Leeds, England, UK, Europe. Acts appearing at the event included Billy Bragg, Danielle Dax, The Bay City Rollers, Killing Joke, Howard DeVoto, New Model Army, Jayne County, Flesh For Lulu, Red Lorry Yellow Lorry, Clock DVA, Under Two Flags, The Chameleons and the Chevalier Brothers.
Proto-r'n'b jump blues singer/drummer Roy Milton dies in Los Angeles, California, USA, a year after suffering a massive heart attack from which he never recovered.