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Graham Parker plays at The Chance, Poughkeepsie, New York State, USA.
Paul Young reaches the top of the UK album charts with No Parlez.
The O'Jays, The Whispers, Angela Bofill, Lakeside, Roberta Flack And Donnie Hathaway play in the Budweiser Superfest at Madison Square Garden, New York City, USA.
Mudhoney perform their classic album Superfuzz Bigmuff at Koko, Camden, London, England, UK.
The Police play at Resenau Stadium, Augsberg, Germany, Europe.
The two-day long Futurama Festival begins at Queen's Hall, Leeds, England, UK, Europe. Over the next two days, acts appearing will include Billy Bragg, Danielle Dax, The Bay City Rollers, Killing Joke, Howard DeVoto, New Model Army, Jayne County, Flesh For Lulu, Red Lorry Yellow Lorry, Clock DVA, Under Two Flags, The Chameleons and The Chevalier Brothers.
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On her Wild Heart tour, Stevie Nicks plays at The Myriad Convention Center, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, USA.
Peter Gabriel plays at The Apollo, Manchester, England, UK, Europe.