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Beasts Of Bourbon play at Bloom, Mezzago, Italy, Europe.
Drummer Larry Jackson forms hardcore punk band The Rickets in Bainbridge Island, near Seattle, Washington, USA, the morning after seeing Aspirin Feast at The OK Hotel.
Black Cat by Janet Jackson enters the ARIA Singles Chart in Australia, Oceania, at No42. It will peak at No6.
Barbara Higbie plays at The Vogue, Indianapolis, Indiana, USA.
On their Hot In The Shade tour, Kiss play at The Veterans Memorial Coliseum, Phoenix, Arizona, USA.
Phish play at The Wesleyan University, Middletown, Connecticut, USA.
The Grateful Dead play at Madison Square Garden, New York City, USA.
Suicide Blonde by INXS enters the ARIA Singles Chat in Australia at No6. It will peak at No2. The blues harp intro to the song is a sample from a Charlie Musselwhite track.
Park Mi-yeon is born in South Korea, Asia. She will find success as pop singer Serri, leader of the group Dal Shabet.
Jimmy Bowskill is born in Bailieboro, Ontario, Canada. he will find success as leader of The Jimmy Bowskill Band.
On their Pump tour, Aerosmith play at Yokohama Arena, Yokohama, Japan, Asia.
On his Sound And Vision Tour, David Bowie plays at Estadio Olímpico de Montjuïc, Barcelona, Spain, Europe, with Kim Wilde as his special guest.
Jazz pianist Andrew Hill completes recording of his 27th album, But Not Farewell, at Clinton Recording Studios, New York City, USA, for Blue Note Records.
Spiritualized play at Temptation 2, Liverpool, England, UK.
Steve Earle And The Dukes play at The Town And Country Club, London, England, UK.
Carlos Santana jams with Lynyrd Skynyrd at The Greek Theatre, Berkeley, California, USA.
A report in The Baltimore Sun claims that 1990 has been a near-disastrous summer for live music tours, with MC Hammer, Milli Vanilli, Sweet Sensation and New Kids On The Block all underperforming. Madonna's tour sold out, but high production costs meant that it did not turn a profit.
On her Foreign Affair - The Farewell Tour, Tina Turner plays at The Scottish Exhibition and Conference Centre, Glasgow, Scotland, Europe.
Billy Idol plays at The Capital Centre, Baltimore, Maryland, USA.