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The musical Fiddler On The Roof, starring Zero Mostel, is performed at The Majestic Theatre, Broadway, New York City, USA. It will run continuously (but at three different theatres) until 1972 notching up 3,242 performances.
The rock musical Your Own Thing is presented at The Orpheum Theatre, New York City, USA, during a run of 937 performances.
The musical Jacques Brel Is Alive And Well And Living In Paris, is performed at The Village Gate, Greenwich Village, New York City, USA, during a run of 1,847 performances.
The controversial hippy musical, Hair is playing at the Biltmore Theatre on Broadway, New York City, USA, during a run of 1750 performances.
The rock musical Hair (which includes a scene with a fully nude cast) is presented during a run of 1,997 performances at the Shaftesbury Theatre, London, England, UK, Europe. The cast includes Marsha Hunt, Paul Nicholas, Sonja Kristina and Jimmy Winston.
The Who play the last of three nights at The Boston Tea Party, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, supported by Roland Kirk.
Hugh Masekela plays the third of six nights at The Whisky-A-Go-Go, Los Angeles, California, USA, supported by Chicago Transit Authority.
Hippies in People's Park, Berkeley, California, USA, are attacked by police and US National Guard - an incident later recorded in The Beach Boys' song Student Demonstration Time.
Paul McCartney of The Beatles goes to Heswall, Cheshire, England, UK, Europe, to visit his father.
Jethro Tull and Ten Years After play at The Town Hall, Birmingham, England, UK, Europe.
The Deviants play at the Country Club, Haverstock Hill, London, England, UK, Europe.
Dusty Springfield flies from London, England, UK, Europe, to the USA to begin recording her sixth LP, A Brand New Me, for Atlantic Records.
American soul duo Bob And Earl play at The Locarno, Wakefield, England, UK, Europe.
Pink Floyd begin The Man/The Journey tour at The Locarno Ballroom, Coventry, Warwickshire, England, UK, Europe.
Horn parts are overdubbed onto Diana Ross And The Supremes recordings of Uptight (Everything's Alright) and I'll be Doggone, at Hitsville Studios, Detroit, Michigan, USA.
Paul McCartney of The Beatles goes to Heswall, Cheshire, England, UK, Europe, to visit his father.
Joe South, Manfred Mann, The Herd and Tom And Tandy appear on UK tv show Top Of The Pops.
Jimi Hendrix is in The Record Plant, New York City, USA, recording Power Of Soul.
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American bluesman Lowell Fulson plays at The Lafayette Club, Wolverhampton, UK, Europe.
John Mayall's Bluesbreakers play at The Guildhall, Portsmouth, England, UK, Europe.