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Brian Harvey, former vocalist of boyband East 17, posts a video online in which he is seen smashing up a framed set of platinum discs which he had been awarded as a member of the band. After his outburst, he declares, 'That's what I think of your f****** music industry.' Harvey had recently been investigating cases of paedophilia in the music business.
During an appearance by Chris Brown at The Fiesta nightclub in San Jose, California, USA, five people are shot and injured. (This incident will lead to his probation being revoked several days later.)
Anne-Simone releases her debut LP, Bittersweet.
John Legend and Common win The Golden Globe Award in Los Angeles, California, USA, for Best Original Song for their Selma soundtrack cut Glory.
John Legend and Common win the Golden Globe Award for their song Glory, at The Beverly Hilton Hotel, Los Angeles, California, USA. The song is featured in the film Selma, and the award is presented by Prince.