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On their Changed tour, Rascal Flatts play at The I Wireless Center, Moline, Illinois, USA.
WIlson Phillips play at The Canyon Club, Agoura Hills, Los Angeles, California, USA.
Rjd2, Prefuse 73 and Matthewdavid play at 1015 Folsom, San Francisco, California, USA.
Hejira play at The Shacklewell Arms, London, UK.
Cake play at The Bowery Ballroom, New York City, USA.
Bastille release Pompeii, the fourth single from their debut studio album Bad Blood, on Virgin Records in Italy, Europe.
Thee Oh Sees, with Sic Alps and Warm Soda, play at The Independent, San Francisco, California, USA.
Purity Ring play at Webster Hall, New York City, USA.
Rapper Nas is hospitalised with a severe case of vertigo after landing in New York City, USA, for an appearance on the tv show Live! With Kelly and Michael.
Chris Webby plays at Irving Plaza [Formerly The Fillmore], New York City, USA.
Gregg Allman plays at Royce Hall - UCLA, Los Angeles, California, USA.
Lymbyc Systym play at Almost Famous, Busan, Republic Of Korea, Asia.
Lights plays at Igloo Church, Inuvik, in the Northwest Territories of Canada.
Buddy Guy, Dietra Farr and Jimmy Burns play at Buddy Guy's Legends, Chicago, Illinois, USA.
Keane play at The Warfield, San Francisco, California, USA.
65daysofstatic play at Music Zone @ E-Max, G/F, KITEC, Hong Kong, China, Asia.
Morrissey plays at 416 West 42nd Street, New York City, USA.
Italian ethereal shoegaze electronica performer Mushy plays at Madame Claude, Berlin, Germany, Europe.
Thee Oh Sees, with Sic Alps and Warm Soda, play at The Independent, San Francisco, California, USA.
Muse play at Saitama Super Arena, Saitama, Japan, Asia.
Having passed his driving test three days earlier, Niall Horan of One Direction buys his first vehicle, a luxury Range Rover.
Splitter Orchester play at Marie Antoinette, Berlin, Germany, Europe.
Brandy Row plays a solo gig at The Square, Harlow, Essex, UK.
On her Born This Way Ball Tour, Lady Gaga plays the first of two nights at Rogers Arena, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, North America.