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Smashing Pumpkins’ manager Sharon Osbourne resigns from her job, claiming that frontman Billy Corgan is impossible to work with.
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Sting plays at the Palais Omnisports De Bercy, Paris, France, Europe.
Bryan Adams plays in Massey Hall, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Disgraced glam-rocker Gary Glitter is quietly removed from prison in Bristol, England, UK, Europe, where he is serving time on child pornography charges. After being driven to London, he flies to exile in Cuba.
Matt Goss, formerly of UK hit-making duo Bros, makes his American stage debut at Carnegie Hall, New York City, USA, in the benefit concert, Sounds Of A Better World, Small Voices Calling, a charity event for children.
Noel Gallagher of Oasis appears on UK tv show The Big Breakfast.
Whitney Houston is caught with 15.2 grams of marijuana at Keahole-Kona International airport, Kailua-Kona, Hawaii, USA, but she manages to board a plane before she can be arrested.
Fans of shock-rock band Slipknot are arrested when there is trouble at their gig in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, USA.