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Nirvana appear on tv show Saturday Night Live in the USA, as their album Nevermind hits No1.
Bret Michaels of Poison participates in the third annual MTV Jock'n'roll softball game, a fundraiser for a Leukemia charity.
Anthrax and Public Enemy play at The Apollo, Manchester, England, UK.
Insatiable by Prince peaks at No77 in the Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart in the USA.
Icelandic rock band The Sugarcubes enter the UK singles chart for the fifth time with their latest single Hit. It will peak at No17, their highest-ever placing.
Give It Away by The Red Hot Chili Peppers peaks at No76 in the Billboard singles chart in the USA.
At the NAACP Image Awards ceremony in the Wiltern Theater, Los Angeles, California, USA, Janet Jackson collects the special Chairman's Award, in recognition of her work for the advancement of black people, and for her charitable contributions.
Nevermind by Nirvana reaches No1 in the Billboard 200 Albums Chart in the USA, establishing the widespread popularity of Grunge.
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Noted Texan rockabilly guitarist Hal Harris dies in hospital in Jackson, Mississippi, USA, after a long illness. He had played on records by Sleepy La Beef, Rock Rogers and Link Davies.
Paul Simon plays in Ellis Park Stadium, Johannesburg, South Africa.
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