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Grand Funk Railroad play in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, USA.
Junior’s Farm by Paul McCartney and Wings peaks at No3 on the Billboard Hot 100 singles chart in the USA for one week. It is McCartney’s ninth of of 22 top ten hits on the chart since leaving The Beatles.
George Benson plays at Carnegie Hall, New York City, USA. The show is recorded and will be released as the LP In Concert-Carnegie Hall by CTI Records.
Linda Ronstadt, The Nitty Gritty Dirt Band, Vassar Clements, Steve Martin and John Hartford appear on tv show Don Kirshner's Rock Concert in the USA.
Led Zeppelin play the first of two European warm-up shows in preparation for their tenth North American tour, at the Ahoy in Rotterdam, Holland.
The Fantastics play at The California Ballroom, Dunstable, UK.