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The Steven Sondheim musical Gypsy, starring Ethel Merman, is performed on Broadway, New York City, USA, during a run of 702 performances.
British comedy duo Flanders And Swann are performing their show At The Drop Of A Hat during a run of 215 performances at the John Golden Theatre, Broadway, New York City, USA.
Gene Vincent, supported by Billy Fury, Joe Brown and Georgie Fame, plays at the Granada, Kingston, UK.
In Tecumseh, Michigan, USA, Henry Lee Lucas commits his first known murder, killing his mother during an argument about how he should care for her in her old age. In 1978, Lucas and an acquaintance, Ottis Toole, will embark on a cross-country murder spree. Lucas will eventually be convicted of murder in eleven different cases. His life and grim crimes will inspire several songs including To Henry Lee Lucas [From Ottis] by Postmortem [1997], Murder Company by Church of Misery [1999], Serial Killer by Macabre and The Ballad of Henry Lee Lucas by Treason Van Arch.

Bobby Vee releases a new single, What Do You Want?, in the USA.
You Got What It Takes by Marv Johnson peaks at No2 in the Canadian singles chart.
In a Life magazine interview published today, rising young star Bobby Darin declares, "I want to make it faster than anyone has ever made it before. I'd like to be the biggest thing in show business by the time I'm 25 years old."
David Gates, who will go on to find fame as leader of soft-rock band Bread, releases a new single, What's This I Hear?, in the USA.
Johnny and the Hurricanes release a new single, Beatnik Fly, in the USA.
Decca Records hold a press reception in London, UK, to welcome Eddie Cochran, who has arrived for his first UK tour. Attending the reception are Gene Vincent, Billy Fury, Joe Brown, Terry Dene, tv producer Jack Good and showbiz manager Larry Parnes.
Fats Domino releases a new single, Country Boy, in the USA.
The Fleetwoods release a new single, Outside My Window, in the USA on Dolton Records.
Bill Haley And His Comets release a new single, Candy Kisses, in the USA.
Little Joe And The Thrillers appears on the popular tv show American Bandstand, recorded in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA.
The musical Irma La Douce is running at The Plymouth Theatre, Broadway, New York City, USA. It runs at The Plymouth for more than a year before transferring to The Alvin Theatre.