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Ambrose And His Orchestra, with Sam Browne on vocals, records When Day Is Done for Decca Records in London, UK.
The Dorsey Brothers Orchestra, with Bob Crosby on vocals, records Dinah for Decca Records in New York City, USA.
The Gene Autry Trio records Tumbling Tumbleweeds, Texas Plains and Uncle Noah's Ark in New York City, USA.
Ambrose And His Orchestra, with vocalists Sam Browne and Elsie Carlisle, record When Day Is Done, His Majesty The Baby and Sleepy-time In Sleepy Hollow, for Decca Records at The Embassy Club in London, England, UK, Europe.
The musical revue Calling All Stars is presented at The Hollywood Theatre, Broadway, New York City, USA, during a run of 36 performances.
The musical revue Thumbs Up!, with music by James Hanley and Henry Sullivan, is presented at The St. James Theatre, Broadway, New York City, USA, during a run of 156 performances.
Chuck Barksdale of The Dells is born in Chicago, Illinois, USA.