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Sugar Babies - The Burlesque Musical, starring Ann Miller and Mickey Rooney, is presented at The Mark Hellinger Theatre, Broadway, New York City, USA, during a run of 1208 performances.
The Osmonds are playing during five nights at The Capitol Theatre, Sydney, Australia, Oceania.
Rush play the last of five nights at Hammersmith Odeon, London, England, UK, Europe.
The Blues Brothers begin rehearsals for a new North American tour.
U2 play at The Half Moon, London, England, UK, Europe, supported by Fashion.
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UB40 come to the end of a 29-date British tour at The Top Rank, Birmingham, England, UK, Europe.
On their World Invasion Tour, Van Halen play at the Hemmerleinhalle, Nuremburg, Germany, Europe.
Bob Marley And The Wailers play in Kaiserslautern, Germany, Europe.
The Beach Boys play in Paris, France, Europe.
National Health play during four nights at The Edge, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.