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The National play at The Royal Albert Hall, London, UK, supported by Buke and Gass.
Doves play at The Troxy, London, UK.
Lady Gaga visits the Marina Abramovic exhibition at The Museum of Modern Art, New York City, USA.
Regina Spektor plays at Billboard Live, Tokyo, Japan, Asia.
On his Away From Home tour, Drake plays at Cheyney University of Pennsylvania, Thornbury Township, Chester County, Pennsylvania, USA.
Pearl Jam play at The Nationwide Arena, Columbus, Ohio, USA.
On her Fearless tour, Taylor Swift plays at The Wells Fargo Arena, Des Moines, Iowa, USA.
Christian metalcore band Norma Jean release a new single, Leaderless and Self Enlisted, on Razor And Tie Records in the USA.
Ash play at Koko, London, UK.
On their Ending On A High Note Tour, A-ha play the first of three nights at The Nokia Theatre, New York City, USA.
Lightspeed Champion plays at The Deaf Institute, Manchester, UK.
HammerFall and Dream Evil play at The Electric Ballroom, Camden Town, London, England, UK.
Cheryl Cole plays at The O2 Arena, London, England, UK.
Avenged Sevenfold release Nightmare as the lead single ffrom their fifth studio album, also titled Nightmare on Warner Bros Records in the USA.
Black Eyed Peas play the second of two nights at the O2 Arena, London, UK.
The Hold Steady play at The Fillmore, San Francisco, California, USA.
The Neil Cowley Trio play at Band On The Wall, Manchester, UK.
On his Go Tour, Jonsi plays at The House Of Blues, Boston, Massachusetts, USA.