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Kenny Rogers plays the first-ever date at the newly-opened Suncoast Dome, St. Petersburg, Florida, USA.
Eric Clapton plays the first of two nights at Le Zenith, Paris, France, Europe.
New Kids On The Block play at The Omni, Atlanta, Georgia, USA.
The 60s Golden Greats nostalgia tour, featuring Bobby Vee The Searchers and Chris Montez, plays at The Empire, Liverpool, UK.
Internationally successful French singer and actress Vanessa Paradis is presented with the Best New Actress award at The Cesars, the French equivalent of the Oscars.
Dub Be Good To Me by Beats International featuring Lindy Layton reaches No1 in the UK singles chart.
Ted Nugent performs an acoustic set at a benefit show in Lansing, Michigan, USA. The show is to raise money for Nugent’s hunting-related side-projects.
The Stone Roses’ single Elephant Stone peaks at No8 in the UK.
Debbie Harry, aka Blondie, plays the last of three nights at The Coach House, San Juan Capistrano, California, USA.
Downtown Train, a Rod Stewart cover version of a Tom Waits’ song, peaks at No10 in the UK singles chart.
Escapade by Janet Jackson reaches No1 in the Billboard Hot 100 singles chart in the USA.
Birdhouse In Your Soul by They Might Be Giants enters the UK pop singles chart where it will peak at No6 during an eleven-week stay.
When Aerosmith play at The Great Western Forum, Inglewood, California, USA, they are joined by Axl Rose and Slash of Guns N'Roses for a performance of Train kept A-Rollin'.