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Elton John is undergoing six weeks of rehab treatment for bulimia and also for his drug and alcohol addictions, in the Parkside Lutheran Hospital, Chicago, Illinois, USA.
Sudden Stop by Colin James is awarded Platinum Album status in Canada.
Motley Crue play the second of two nights at Reunion Arena, Dallas, Texas, USA.
On their Hate Tour, Nine Inch Nails play at RPM, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
On their Magic Summer tour, New Kids On The Block play the second of two nights at Sullivan Stadium, Foxborough, Massachusetts USA.
On their World Violation tour, Depeche Mode play the last of three nights at San Diego Sports Arena, San Diego, California, USA.
Rockapella by The Nylons is certified as a Gold Album in Canada.
Debbie Harry, aka Blondie, plays at Fiddler's Green, Denver, Colorado, USA.
Rat Alley, Mantis, Clinic, High Voltage and S.G.Rose play at The Channel, Boston, Massachusetts, USA.
On their Urban Jungle tour, The Rolling Stones play at Praterstadion, Vienna, Austria, Europe.
Diana Ross plays at The F. M. Kirby Center, Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, USA.
On his Journeyman World Tour, Eric Clapton plays at The Mid-South Coliseum, Memphis, Tennessee, USA.
Savatage play at The Boathouse, Norfolk, Virginia, USA. After the show, having misunderstood singer Jon Olivia's comments and lyrics about the political situation in Iran, a security guard punches him in the face.
Soundgarden play at Salt Lake Fairgrounds Coliseum, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA.
Paul Anka is photographed while passing through Los Angeles International Airport in Los Angeles, California, USA.
R.E.M. play at the 40 Watt Club, Athens, Georgia, USA.
Faith No More play at The Asylum / Cobra Club, Parramatta, Australia, Oceania.
Kenny G and Michael Bolton play at The Starlight Theatre, Kansas City, Missouri, USA.
Carmen McRae plays in a Tribute To Nat King Cole at The Ravinia Festival Highland Park, Chicago, Illinois, USA.
On their Behind The Mask tour, Fleetwood Mac play the first of three nights at Jones Beach, Wantagh, New York State, USA, supported by Squeeze.
On their Hot In The Shade tour, Kiss play at The Civic Center, Savannah, Georgia, USA.