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On their The End World Tour, Black Sabbath play at Pedreira Paulo Leminski, Curitiba, Brazil, South America, supported by Rival Sons.
Nouvelle Vague play at A38 Ship, Budapest, Hungary, Europe.
Ultrasound play at The Scala, London, England, UK.
Ed Sheeran plays his only gig of the year to an audience of 350 invited guests in Hintze Hall at The Natural History Museum, London, England, UK, Europe. The event is a fundraiser for East Anglia's Children's Hospices.
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During the Latin American leg of their Not In This Lieftime tour, Guns N'Roses play the second of two nights in Palacio de los Deportes, Mexico City, Mexico, North America, supported by Tyler Bryant And The Shakedown. This tour features classic Guns N'Roses line-up members Axl Rose, Slash and Duff McKagan, playing together for the first time since 1993. During the show Guns N'Roses invite several fans onstage to smash a large Donald Trump piñata.
Forbes Magazine's Annual Rich List shows Taylor Swift as the year's most financially successful musician, with estimated earnings of $170m. One Direction are second with $110m, followed by Adele with $80m. Madonna sits in fourth place with $76.5m, with Rihanna fifth on $75m.