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Ke$ha plays at The Music Box, Borgata Hotel and Casino, Atlantic City, New Jersey, USA.
Diane Reeves plays at the Tonhalle, Zurich, Switzerland, Europe.
Porcupine Tree play at The Riviera Theatre, Chicago, Illinois, USA.
While in Washington DC, USA, Bono of U2 visits The White House for a meeting with President Obama to discuss, among other things, ways of ensuring that US foreign aid is effective.
Chew Lips release the album Cargo in the UK.
UK radio network BBC 6 Music hosts an hour-long debate on the future of music, covering issues including piracy, copyright, licensing and ticket touts, with the participation of Conservative culture select committee chairman John Whittingdale, Labour minister for culture and tourism Margaret Hodge and the Liberal Democrat shadow culture secretary Don Foster. UK Music CEO Feargal Sharkey also takes part.
It is reported that Usher has accused tv talent shows of slowly killing the music business. The star's accusation comes just weeks after he appeared as a mentor on American Idol.
Katy Perry comes to the end of seven months of recording her album Teenage Dream.
Gorillaz play the second of two nights at The Roundhouse, Camden Town, London, England, UK.
On her Fearless tour, Taylor Swift plays at The Colonial Life Arena, Columbia, South Carolina, USA.
The Hamsters plays at Long Street Blues Club, Devizes, Wiltshire, England, UK, Europe.
When Stereophonics play at Fort Canning Park, Singapore, Asia, the show is stopped after singer Kelly Jones is hit in the face by a flip-flop thrown by a member of the audience. After the man responsible is thrown out by security, the band returns to the stage to finish their set.
Diana Vickers releases her debut album Songs From The Tainted Cherry Tree in Ireland, Europe.
Peter Lopez, the lawyer who represented music business clients including Michael Jackson, The Eagles, Andrea Bocelli and Michael Buble, is found dead at his home in Encino, California, USA, apparently having committed suicide by shooting himself. Lopez was married to the actress Catherine Bach.