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The rock musical Hair (which includes a scene with a fully nude cast) is presented during a run of 1,997 performances at the Shaftesbury Theatre, London, England, UK, Europe. The cast includes Marsha Hunt, Paul Nicholas, Sonja Kristina and Jimmy Winston.
Phil Ochs plays at The Lion's Share, San Anselmo, California, USA.
The start of a Led Zeppelin gig at The Forum in Los Angeles, California, USA, is delayed because Jimmy Page has sprained his finger on the fence at LA airport.
The Grateful Dead play at The Community War Memorial, Rochester, New York State, USA.
At the start of their Get Me A Ladder Tour, Emerson, Lake And Palmer play at The Ostseehalle, Kiel, Germany, Europe.
Frank Zappa and The Mothers Of Invention play the first of two nights at Winterland, San Francisco, California, USA, supported by Ruben And The Jets.
San Francisco hippy rock pioneers The Grateful Dead play at The Community War Memorial, Rochester, New York State, USA.