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The musical revue Meet The People is playing at The Grand Opera House, Chicago, Illinois, USA.
The London Piano Accordian Band, led by popular songwriter Billy Reid, records the Noel Gay composition Whose Little What's-It Are You?, in London, England, UK.
On their first national tour, country music stars The Sons Of The Pioneers play in Canton, Illinois, USA.
Al Donahue And His Orchestra play at Meyers Lake, Canton, Ohio, USA.
The Irving Berlin musical Louisiana Purchase is presented at The Imperial Theatre, Broadway, New York City, USA, during a run of 444 performances.
Nicola Di Bari is born in Manfredonia, Italy, Europe. He will find success as a romantic latin balladeer.
Jazz violinist Jean-Luc Ponty is born in Avranches, France, Europe.
Clifford Greenwood And His Orchestra and Mantovani And His Orchestra are among the musicians heard performing live on BBC Home Service Radio in the UK.
Kay Kyser And His Orchestra, with vocalist Ginny Simms, record The Bad Humor Man (Ting-a-ling) for Columbia Records in Los Angeles, California, USA.
The musical comedy Hold On To Your Hats, starring Al Jolson, is playing at The Shubert Theatre, Broadway, New York City, during a run of 158 performances.
Duke Ellington And His Orchestra play in The Panther Room at The Hotel Sherman, Chicago, Illinois, USA. The show is broadcast live on radio.
Louis Jordan records a vocal version of Charlie Barnet's instrumental hit, Pompton Turnpike, for Decca Records in the USA.
Meet The People, billed as "The All-American Hit Musical Revue" is playing at The Grand Opera House, Chicago, Illinois, USA.
Mary Jane DeZurik, one half of singing and yodelling duo The DeZurik Sisters, marries accordionist Augie Klein.
The musical revue Sim Sala Bim, with words and music by Alvin H. Jansen, is playing at The Morosco Theatre, Broadway, New York City, USA, during a run of 54 performances.
Stephen Friedland is born in Jersey City, New Jersey, USA. He will find some success and notoriety as singer and songwriter Brute Force, whose best-known composition The King Of Fuh prominently includes a double entendre, referring repeatedly to the "Fuh King", i.e. a King in the Land of Fuh. George Harrison of The Beatles will acquire the track, produced by The Tokens in New York City, and will overdub 11 strings of the London Phiharmonic Orchestra. However, after learning that neither EMI in the UK or Capitol Records in the USA would distribute the single, Apple Records will press and distribute a limited edition of 1,000 copies in 1969.