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Thursday play at The 9.30 Club, Washington DC, USA.
Woody Allen And His New Orleans Jazz Band play at Schnitzer Hall, Portland, Oregon, USA.
Amorphis play at Zeche, Bochum, Germany, Europe.
Madonna announces that her second Hard Candy Fitness Center has been opened, near Red Square in Moscow, Russia.
The Wailers play at The B.B. King Blues Club And Grill, New York City, USA.
The Los Angeles County Coroner's Office announces that rapper Heavy D died from a pulmonary embolism caused by deep leg vein thrombosis. Heavy D had collapsed outside his home in Beverley Hills during November, and died soon after in the emergency room at The Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles, California, USA. His death at the age of 44 was initially thought to be related to pneumonia.
Four Year Strong play at The Chameleon Club, Lancaster, Pennsylvania, USA.
Matthew Sweet plays his groundbreaking album Girlfriend in its entirety at Yoshi's, San Francisco, California, USA.
Jay-Z goes to see The Atlanta Hawks play The New Jersey Nets at The Prudential Center, Newark, New Jersey, USA.
Tim Davis plays at Gallipolis, Gallipolis, Ohio, USA.
It is announced that singer John Legend recently became engaged to supermodel Chrissy Teigen while the pair were on holiday in the Maldives.