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Nirvana play in Amherst, Massachusetts, USA. During the day, Kurt Cobain rings his girlfriend, Tracy, and tells her that he does not want to live with her, but he would like them to continue as girlfriend and boyfriend.
The Black Crowes play at Airport Road Music Hall, Allentown, Pennsylvania, USA.
The Beach Boys play at Sunrise Musical Theater, Sunrise, Florida, USA.
On her Enjoy Yourself tour, Kylie Minogue plays at RDS Simmonscourt, Dublin, Ireland, Europe.
Frank Sinatra plays at The Starplex Theater, Dallas, Texas, USA.
On her Blond Ambition tour, Madonna plays the last of three nights at Yokohama Stadium, Yokohama, Japan, Asia.
Saxon play at The Volkshaus, Zurich, Switzerland, Europe.
On a break between recording and touring committments, Keith Richards of The Rolling Stones is spending a few days in New York City, USA.
On their Magic Summer Tour, New Kids On The Block play the first of two nights at Newcastle Ice Rink, Newcastle, England, UK.
MC Smooth (aka Smooth and also Needa S.) releases her debut LP, Smooth And Legit, on Crush Music in the USA.
Axl Rose of Guns N'Roses pops round to girlfriend Erin Everly's house at 4a.m., tells her that he has a gun in his car and threatens that, if she doesn't marry him, he will kill himself. Despite the fact that he has physically abused her in the past, she agrees to marry him.
Tina Turner begins her Foreign Affair World Tour with the first of two nights in The Sportpaleis, Antwerp, Belgium, Europe.
Hot Tuna play at The Palomino Club, North Hollywood, California, USA.
On their Presto tour, Rush play at The Spectrum, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA.
Whitesnake play at The Met Center, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA, supported by Journey.
On her Heart Of Stone tour, Cher plays the first of three nights at The Copa Room, Atlantic City, New Jersey, USA.
Butthole Surfers play at The Chance, Poughkeepsie, New York State, USA, supported by Beme Seed.
The Mickey Gilley Theatre is launched in Branson, Missouri, USA.
Blur play at JB's, Dudley, England, UK.