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Dream-pop singer Princess Chelsea plays at The Louisiana, Bristol, UK.
Carmel plays at Marx, Hamburg, Germany, Europe.
Clarence Burke Jr., lead singer of Chicago-based The Five Stairsteps, best-known for their 1970 hit O-o-h Child, dies aged 64 at home in Marietta, Georgia, USA. The cause of his death is not disclosed.
Tom Petty And The Heartbreakers play the last of five nights at The Beacon Theatre, New York City, USA.
Fleetwood Mac play at The MGM Grand Garden Arena, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.
Clarence Burke Jr., lead singer of The Five Stairsteps, best-known for their 1970 hit O-o-h Child, dies aged 64 at home in Marietta, Georgia, USA. The cause of his death is not disclosed.
On her Diamonds World Tour, Rihanna plays at Bizkaia Arena, Bilbao, Spain, Europe.