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The musical Milk And Honey, with music and lyrics by Jerry Herman, is playing at The Martin Beck Theater on Broadway, New York City, USA, during a run of 543 performances.
The stage musical How To Succeed In Business Without Really Trying, starring Rudy Vallee, is playing at the 46th Street Theater on Broadway, New York City, USA, during a run of 1,417 performances.
Despite facing severe losses, The Twist Spectacular Tour plays the third of five nights at St Nicholas Arena, New York City, USA, headlined by Chubby Checker with Joey Dee And The Starliters, Dee Dee Sharp, The Dovellsand The Carroll Brothers.
Elvis Presley completes location filming in Hawaii, USA, for his his latest movie, Girls! Girls! Girls!.
Gene Vincent plays at The Playhouse, Wakefield, UK.
Grahame 'Skin' Skinner, vocalist of Scottish bands The Jazzateers, Hipsway, Cowboy Mouth and others is born.
Paul Anka plays the fourth of seven nights at The Latin Casino, Cherry Hill, New Jersey, USA.
J.R. Goddard of The Village Voice reviews Bob Dylan's eponymous debut album with the words, "one of the best to come from the boiling folk pot in a long, long, time ... Dylan is blessed with a gift of style - individual, dynamic style.".
Bill Monroe records Columbus Stockade Blues and other tracks in Columbia Recording Studio, 804 16th Avenue South, Nashville, Tennessee, USA, with producer Owen Bradley.
Acker Bilk And His Paramount Jazz Band play at St. George's Hall, Bradford, UK.
Neil Sedaka plays the first of seven nights at The Forty Thieves Lounge, Bermuda.
CBS Records, the UK arm of America's Columbia Records, is launched in the UK with a cocktail party hosted by Philips Records in London, UK. The 400 guests include Percy Faith and Anita Bryant.
Neil Sedaka plays the first of seven nights at The Forty Thieves Lounge, Bermuda.
Connie Francis, with an orchestra conducted by Geoff Love, records Zip-a-de-doo-dah, Moon River, You'll Never Know and Lullaby Of Broadway at RCA Italiana Studio, Rome, Italy, Europe.
The Sonny Rollins Septet record Brownskin Gal, for RCA Victor Records in New York City, USA.
Judy Garland plays at The Manhattan Center, New York City, USA.
CBS Records, the UK arm of America's Columbia Records, is launched in the UK with a cocktail party hosted by Philips Records in London, UK. The 400 guests include Percy Faith and Anita Bryant.
Rockabilly vocalist Wanda Jackson records Little Charm Bracelet for Capitol Records in the USA.
The Kingston Trio play at The University of Oklahoma, Norman, Oklahoma, USA.
Judy Garland plays at The Manhattan Center, New York City, USA.
Despite facing severe losses, The Twist Spectacular Tour plays the third of five nights at St Nicholas Arena, New York City, headlined by Chubby Checker with Joey Dee And The Starliters, Dee Dee Sharp, The Dovells and The Carroll Brothers.
Gene Vincent plays at The Playhouse, Wakefield, UK.
The Bud Powell Trio plays in Copenhagen, Denmark, Europe.
The Platters play the sixth night of a week in Milan, Italy, Europe.
Elvis Presley completes location filming in Hawaii, USA, for his his latest movie, Girls! Girls! Girls!.
Mr Acker Bilk And His Paramount Jazz Band play at St. George's Hall, Bradford, UK.
Jackie Wilson plays the eighth night in a two-week season at The Copacabana, New York City, USA.
Sam Cooke records Bring It On Home To Me, Having A Party and Sugar Dumpling at RCA Studio 1, Hollywood, Los Angeles, California, USA. Vocal responses on Bring It On Home To Me are sung by an uncredited Lou Rawls. The song will become a standard with numerous notable cover versions including those by Aretha Franklin, The Animals and Sonny Terry And Brownie McGhee.
Bill Monroe records When The Bees Are In The Hive, Big Ball In Brooklyn and Columbus Stockade Blues in Columbia Recording Studio, 804 16th Avenue South, Nashville, Tennessee, USA, with producer Owen Bradley.
The Grant Green Sextet record Besame Mucho, Brazil [originally titled Aquarela do Brasil], Blues For Juanita and other tracks for Blue Note Records at Van Gelder Studio, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, USA.