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Midnight Oil play in Center Arena, Seattle, Washington, USA.
On his Sound And Vision tour, David Bowie plays the last of three nights at The Palace Of Auburn Hills, Auburn Hills, Michigan, USA.
Pungent Stench, Carcass, Disharmonic Orchestra, Atrocity and Entombed play at Le Gibus, Paris, France, Europe.
Marillion play at Stages, Kitchener, Ontario, Canada.
Sydney Youngblood plays the second of two nights at The Metro, Melbourne, Australia, Oceania.
Cowboy Junkies perform live at CBC Studios, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
On their Urban Jungle tour, The Rolling Stones play the last of three nights at Parc Des Princes, Paris, France, Europe.
Deborah Harry (aka Blondie) plays at The Marquee, New York City, USA.
L.A. Guns play at The Vic, Chicago, Illinois, USA, with London Quireboys.
On their No Control tour, Bad Religion play Washington DC, USA.
On his Nude Tour Prince plays the fifth of seven non-consecutive nights at Wembley Arena, London, England, UK.
On his Never Picture Perfect Summer Tour, Rich Mullins plays in Adrian, Michigan, USA, with Avenue G.
D-A-D play at Rockefeller Music Hall, Oslo, Norway, Europe.
On their Pump tour, Aerosmith play the first of two nights at Great Woods, Mansfield, Massachusetts, USA.
Santana plays at Istanbul Festivali 1990, in Kültür Sanat Vakfı, Istanbul, Turkey, Asia.
Michael Jackson begins recording sessions in Ocean Way/Record One Studio, Los Angeles, California, USA, which will result in his album Dangerous.
Madonna's Blonde Ambition tour plays the last of four nights at Meadowlands Arena, East Rutherford, New Jersey, USA. The four shows have grossed almost $3.4m, and she donates profits from the final show to the American Foundation for AIDS research. The after-party is held at La Palace de Beaute, New York City, USA.
On his Seriously, Live! tour, Phil Collins plays the last of five nights at The Forum, Inglewood, Los Angeles, California, USA.