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Debbie Harry, aka Blondie, plays at The Newport Centre, Newport, Wales, UK.
On their Behind The Mask tour, Fleetwood Mac play at Pacific Coliseum, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
Triptykon and Slammer play at Sloane's, Liverpool, England, UK.
On their Hot In The Shade tour, Kiss play at The Met Center, Bloomington, Minnesota, USA.
Frank Sinatra plays at Bally's Grand, Reno, Nevada, USA.
Sepultura play at Zaal Unitas, Brunssum, Netherlands, Europe.
Record producer Gary U sher dies aged 51, of cancer, in Los Angeles, California, USA. In a highly respected career, he produced records with The Byrds, The Beach Boys, Dick Dale, The Hondells and others.
On their Pump tour, Aerosmith play at The Palace Of Auburn Hills, Auburn Hills, Michigan, USA.
Don Henley plays at Riverbend Music Center, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA.
Christine Evans is born in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. She will find success as a pop-rock singer-songwriter, releasing her debut LP, Take Me Home in 2005.
Betty Carter plays at The Bottom Line, Greenwich Village, New York City, USA. Tracks recorded at this show will appear on her second Verve Records LP, Droppin' Things.
On his Storm Front tour, Billy Joel plays at Wembley Arena, London, England, UK.
The Jeff Healey Band releases a new LP, Hell To Pay, on Arista Records in Canada.
Madonna cancels a third scheduled 'Blond Ambition' tour concert at Rosemont Horizon, Chicago, Illinois, USA, due to laryngitis.