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The Steven Sondheim musical Gypsy, starring Ethel Merman, is performed on Broadway, New York City, USA, during a run of 702 performances.
The Avon Cities Jazz Band play at the Swindon Jubilee Carnival Dance in McIlroy's Ballroom, Swindon, Wiltshire, UK, supported by Daryl Grand And The Descants and Don Jones And His Music.
The Avon Cities Jazz Band play at the Swindon Jubilee Carnival Dance in McIlroy's Ballroom, Swindon, Wiltshire, UK, supported by Daryl Grand And The Descants and Don Jones And His Music.
The Avon Cities Jazz Band play at the Swindon Jubilee Carnival Dance in McIlroy's Ballroom, Swindon, Wiltshire, UK, supported by Daryl Grand & The Descants and Don Jones & His Music.
Jackie Wilson, supported by Dion And The Belmonts, Elmore James, and The Vibrations, plays the first of seven nights at The Regal, Chicago, Illinois, USA.
Louis Jordan plays the fourth of five nights at The Embers Club, Fort Wayne, Indiana, USA.
Jackie Wilson releases a new single, All My Love, on Brunswick Records in the USA.
Jan And Dean release a new single, We Go Togther, on Dore Records in the USA.
Frankie Lymon releases a new single, Little Bitty Pretty One, on Roulette Records in the USA.
Jazz saxophonist Jimmy Heath records Old Fashioned Fun, Big P and On Green Dolphin Street in New York City, USA, for Riverside Records.
Count Basie And His Orchestra record Swinging At The Waldorf, Sweet And Purty and Ol' Man River, in New York City, USA.
Brenda Lee plays the first of three days at Springlake Park, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, USA.
The Mystics release a new single, White Cliffs Of Dover, on Laurie Records in the USA.
Oscar Brown Jr records Work Song in New York City, USA, for Columbia Records.
Elvis Presley comes to the end of principal filming in Hollywood, Californa, USA, for his movie G.I. Blues.
Cliff Richard and The Shadows record Choppin' And Changin', I'm Willing To Learn and We Have It Made, in EMI's Abbey Road Studios, London, UK.
The musical Irma La Douce is running at The Plymouth Theatre, Broadway, New York City, USA. It runs at The Plymouth for more than a year before transferring to The Alvin Theatre.