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Celine Dion is playing at Caesar's Palace, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.
Candlebox play at The Sl ade Rooms, Wolverhampton, England, UK, Europe, supported by Pete RG.
On their The End World Tour, Black Sabbath play at The SSE Hydro, Glasgow, Scotland, Europe, supported by Rival Sons.
Glenn Hughes plays at The Garage, Glasgow, Scotland, UK, Europe.
Lukas Graham play at The Fillmore, Detroit, Michigan, USA.
Radio station HITS 105 in Texarkana, Texas, USA, announces that it has banned Madonna from its airwaves in response to her comments at the Women's March four days earlier in Washington DC, USA.
Butch Trucks, drummer and co-founder of The Allman Brothers Band, dies aged 69 in West Palm Beach, Florida, USA. The cause of his death is not immediately revealed.
When Jennifer Lopez's security team fail to show up in court, a judge in Los Angeles, California, USA, dismisses the singer's application to have a permanent restraining order issued against alleged stalker Tim McLanahan.
It is announced in Southwark Crown Court, London, England, UK, Europe, that entertainer and hit-maker Rolf Harris will not give evidence at his second trial for sex offences as he would only be able to tell jurors that he "cannot remember" being at the places where he is alleged to have carried out those offences. Harris is following proceedings at the court via video-link from prison.
ONI play at The Fleece, Bristol, England, UK.